25 Jan Daily Current Affairs Quiz


Current Affairs is an important part of all government exams. Generally, it is believed to be a subject asked in interviews but without it, you cannot expect to score excellently even in the General Awareness section of the prelims.

If any of you have given exams like SSC CGLCHSL, or IBPS Bank P.O, you must have witnessed the growing trend of asking current affairs. This is because the employers want to know whether their future employees are familiar with the outside world or not and whether they care enough to know about the current situation of their country and state or not.

So considering its importance, you should not neglect this section at any cost but you don't have to bother much. With our free daily current affairs, you will be able to cover this portion of your General Awareness very quickly. 

We have tried our level best to make current affairs learning as interactive as possible. 
Besides this, the necessary keywords have been highlighted to grasp your attention. We have also provided free daily current affairs pdf at the end of this blog so that you can revise it later.

25 Jan Daily Current Affairs

  • National Voter's Day is celebrated on
a) 21 Jan
b) 22 Jan
c) 25 Jan
d) 26 Jan

 Ans.- c) 25 January

  • In which city, India will host the Indian Ocean Region defense minister's conclave on Feb 4?

a) Chennai
b) Hyderabad
c) Bengaluru
d) Mumbai

Ans.- c) Bengaluru; The broad theme of the conclave will be 'Enhanced Peace, Security, and Cooperation in the Indian Ocean'

  • In which state, India will set up its first gas-to-ethanol plant?
a) Kerala
b) Maharashtra
c) Gujarat
d) Tamil Nadu

Ans.- b) Maharashtra; SAIL (Steel Authority of India) will set up the plant in Chandrapur.

  • Which organization has recently brought into force the first-ever treaty to ban nuclear weapons?
c) European Union
d) UN

Ans.- d) United Nations

  • Which state government has recently announced that it will start 'Jail Tourism'?
a) Maharashtra
b) Madhya Pradesh
c) Uttar Pradesh
d) Gujarat

Ans.- a) Maharashtra (Yerawada Jail)

  • Who has won the 'Subhash Chandra Bose Aapda Prabandhan Puraskar' 2021 in the individual category of the award?
a) Rabindra Jain
b) Rajendra Kumar Bhandari
c) Ravindra Kumar Sinha
d) Rajeev Kumar Varshney

Ans.- b) Rajendra Kumar Bhandari for his invaluable contribution in the field of Disaster Management.

  • Srishti Goswami became the chief minister of which state for one day on Jan 24 on the National Girl Child Day?
a) Maharashtra
b) Goa
c) Uttarakhand
d) Bihar

Ans.- c) Uttarakhand

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