Best SSC CGL and CHSL Books ( Maths, English, Reasoning and G.S)

Books are indeed man's best friend but wrong books can lead you in the wrong direction. Therefore, it is necessary for you to buy those books on which you can completely rely upon. The market is flooded with a variety of SSC books published by numerous publications each claiming to be the best but the reality is most of them are pretty useless and contain a plethora of mistakes. Even the updated versions are replete with errors. That is why we thought to share with you the most useful books of competitive Maths, English, Reasoning, and General Studies in a single post. Trust us, these are the best books for SSC CGL you will find in the market. In case you want to purchase any of these books, just click on the 'shop now' button.

Best Books for SSC CGL/CHSL Maths-

The below books are the best books for SSC CGL/CHSL Maths and each one has a unique feature that makes it exclusive in its league but you don't have to buy all of them to crack any SSC exam. Just one or two books of your own choice will be more than enough. It is repeated again please do not buy more than two books for Maths. You don't want yourself to be solving maths problems all day. There are more subjects to prepare as well. 
  • Rakesh Yadav SSC Mathematics 7300+ -  This book is basically a compilation of all maths questions asked in SSC exams from 1999 to 2020. Although questions have been categorized in chapters and further in types and are bilingual (English and Hindi) for convenience but what makes this book unique is the solutions provided to the problems. The book is filled with smart, short, and effective approaches, all printed carefully. There is no dearth of questions as well as there are more than 9700 questions to solve.
  • Kiran's SSC Mathematics Chapterwise- This book is also a compilation of all the maths questions asked by SSC until now. Its salient features include the profound categorization of questions in chapters and further in types and the traditional way of solving problems. This book doesn't contain any short tricks but is useful for those whose maths is weak or for those who can't stand short tricks as a solution. There are more than 9500 questions in this book as well. It is not a bilingual book and Hindi and English medium books are sold separately.

  • Rakesh Yadav Class Notes of Maths- It is a must-buy for all those preparing for SSC exams. It is not a book filled with questions to solve but is more of notes of all chapters of Maths as you can see in the name of this book. It contains an awesome but concise explanation of the most important conceptual questions of all chapters. Hindi and English editions are sold separately.

Best Books for SSC CGL/CHSL English- 

The below books can be used by Banking aspirants as well. Just like maths, you are recommended to buy any one or two of these books.
  • Objective General English by S.P. Bakshi- Published by Arihant, it is one of the best books for competitive English. It contains each and every concept of the English language written in a very easy way to understand plus grammatical exercises for you to solve as well as vocabulary to improve your word stock.

  • Kiran English Language Chapterwise- This book is a massive compilation of more than 11000 questions asked in all of SSC exams until now. The best thing about this book is that it is available in both Hindi edition and English edition.

  • English for General Competition by Neetu Singh- This book is published by KD Publication and is probably the best book of competitive English for beginners. If any of you are new to competitive English, you can buy this book without a single doubt.

  • Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis- This book is only for increasing vocabulary. It has no grammar lessons but this book can prevent you from parroting words yet making you learn all the words by heart. The whole book is filled with one-word substitutions and useful vocabulary with a detailed explanation of how each word was formed. Basically, it deals with the roots of words and their etymology.

    Best Books for SSC CGL/CHSL Reasoning-

    Okay, all of you will agree with us that Reasoning is probably the easiest subject among all other subjects of SSC. You can prepare for Reasoning without actually buying a book for it just by solving reasoning questions from previous year papers or from mocks. Still, if any of you need a book for guidance then here is just one book for you-
    • Rakesh Yadav Reasoning 7300+ - This is a good book to cover Reasoning. It has plenty of questions, all divided into types. The explanations of solutions are easy to understand. Also, it is bilingual.

    Best Book for SSC CGL/CHSL General Awareness- 

    So we have arrived at the last subject. General Awareness is very much feared by the students as it has an ocean of things to read. So, the General Awareness book should be concise. The below books can prove to be a great help in this regard.
    • Lucent's General Knowledge- It is a very thin book but as it is said, don't judge a book by its cover. This book covers almost all the static portion of General Awareness asked in SSC exams.

    • Kiran SSC General Awareness Chapterwise- It is not a thin book at all because like most of the Kiran books, it is also a compilation of all the general awareness questions asked in SSC until now. Mostly, It is used by students for practice.

      With that, we come to an end. We have mentioned all the greatest books available in this field and we hope these books will benefit you. We also hope you liked our post and if you did, please share this post with your friends. Also, If you find any book that has been missed by us, please do let us know in the comments. It will be beneficial for the students as well. Thank you all for reading.


      Unknown said...

      Thank u for giving us such a useful and necessary information.

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      Deep Kaur said...


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